What is your favorite volunteer role at Second Helpings?
Here at Second Helpings, there are hundreds of volunteers who work daily in many different areas in the organization. Without them and other supporters, Second Helpings could not do what it does. Below are listed our volunteering opportunities – if you are a current volunteer, where do you work [...]
Tales from the Table: The Anonymous Driver Companion
For Brock Lee (alias), attending the musical fundraiser Tonic Ball every year became a way to enjoy the music while also donating to a great cause. In 2014, Brock needed to go pick up his tickets and t-shirt at Second Helpings. He began talking to a volunteer who came in [...]
Top 10: Agencies that Receive the Most Meals
At Second Helpings, we recognize we’re only as strong as the agencies we serve. It doesn’t matter how much food we rescue and prepare in our hunger relief kitchen, unless our partner agencies can reach the hungry Hoosiers who need them most. Second Helpings recently reached the milestone of serving [...]
Tales from the Table: Joe Slaughter
While always aware of hunger and food insecurity, 12 years ago Joe Slaughter witnessed it firsthand. Serving as Vice President and General Manager with Herff Jones at the time, Slaughter began volunteering at Horizon House, which provides multiple services on site and on the street to help all people [...]
Second Helpings receives $7.5 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.
Earlier today, the Lilly Endowment announced an extraordinary grant to Second Helpings totaling $7.5 million. In making this grant the Endowment recognizes the critical role that Second Helpings plays in addressing hunger and poverty in our community. The grant is specifically tied to the sustainability of Second Helpings to ensure [...]
Tales from the Table: Boys and Girls Clubs Keenan-Stahl
Winters in Indiana are cold and harsh. Snow and ice wreak havoc on the roads, while the cold can be felt in one’s bones. Hunger any time of the year is hard, but when someone shivers from the cold and is stuck indoors, hunger can be more keenly felt. [...]
Tales from the Table: Brian Thomason
Second Helpings has some incredible long-term volunteers who have whipped together delicious dishes, delivered thousands of meals, or dutifully sorted through huge piles of bread. It also has some amazing newer volunteers who have found a passion in serving at Second Helpings, and quickly and willingly volunteer in any [...]
Tales from the Table: Charlie Chapel
Cooking with her grandmother in the kitchen in her hometown of Chicago formed some of Charlie Chapel’s earlier memories. As she grew older, she began working in business and office management but never forgot the lessons her grandmother taught her. When her daughter moved to Indianapolis with her father, [...]
Tales from the Table: Westminster Neighborhood Services
Thirty-five years ago on the Near Eastside, several church congregations realized that many of the children in the area did not have a safe place to go during the summer. As a result, they got together and developed what became known as Westminster Neighborhood Services. Focusing on at-risk children [...]
Tales from the Table: Bluffton Distribution Center
Bluffton Distribution finds all the ways it can to give back to the local community. Located in Bluffton, Indiana about two hours north of Indianapolis, the volunteer-run organization serves locals referred to it by the welfare office, which equals about 175-225 families every month. Bluffton offers food, clothing, and [...]