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October 2019 Volunteer of the Month: Betsy Kershaw

Kershaw was introduced to Second Helpings through Wednesday volunteer John Magee. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to encounter October Volunteer of the Month Betsy Kershaw's beautiful, bright spirit are truly the lucky ones. In just six short months, Kershaw has contributed more 300 hours [...]

October 17th, 2019|

PHOTOS: Caito Foods Show rescue 2019

Yesterday, Second Helpings staff and volunteers had the opportunity to rescue food from the annual Caito Foods Show at Marriott Indianapolis East. Each year, Caito Foods invites its customers to check out the latest and greatest products the Central Indiana produce distributor has to offer. The company installs a [...]

September 26th, 2019|

September 2019 Volunteer of the Month: Ann Sharp

Meet one of the loveliest ladies in all the land— September 2019 volunteer of the month, Ann Sharp. She’s as sharp as a tack when it comes to sorting bread for our partner agencies. Since 2015, Ann has spent over 330 hours of her time towards ensuring that everyone [...]

September 17th, 2019|

August 2019 Volunteer of the Month: Nick Taylor

Volunteer of the Month for August 2019 is the ONE, the ONLY, Nick Taylor! Yes, yes, Nick is quite the neighborly English gent and we are incredibly fortunate that he chose to join forces with the best volunteer family in Indy. Since July 2017, he’s contributed nearly 350 hours [...]

August 16th, 2019|

July 2019 Volunteer of the Month: Tim Burkholder

On Mondays, he throws his creativity into the tilt skillet and on Wednesdays he hops behind the wheel to deliver those tasty meals out to the community. Every. Single. Week. The phrase should most definitely be “Tim of all trades.” For years, our volunteers from Allisonville Christian Church have [...]

July 12th, 2019|

#FeedIndy through Target Circle

We are honored and excited to announce that we have been chosen to participate in a special charitable giving campaign, sponsored and funded by Target. And you have the chance to direct a portion of Target’s donation to us! Now through October 6, vote for us through the Target [...]

July 11th, 2019|

#FeedIndy at Indiana Dairy’s Ice Cream Social: Friday, July 19th

Second Helpings is honored to serve as the nonprofit beneficiary of the American Dairy Association Indiana’s 30th annual Ice Cream Social event on Monument Circle on Friday, July 19th! For a small $3 donation, you will receive not one, not two, but possibly THREE hearty scoops of Edy’s Vanilla [...]

June 20th, 2019|

Fight summer hunger in Central Indiana with Second Helpings

Campers at Jameson Camp share a laugh over a meal provided by Second Helpings. Do you remember long summer days with friends? Maybe at a camp or in a park? Lemonade? Watermelon? Special foods are always a part of summer. Like you, youth who receive Second Helpings [...]

June 19th, 2019|

June 2019 Volunteers of the Month: John & Terry Dungan

Dungan is their name and sandwich making is their game. Since 2017, John and Terry have collectively contributed over 1,300 hours of service towards eliminating hunger and food waste in our lovely community. These two have hearts of gold that shine like sunbeams onto the mission of Second Helpings. [...]

June 17th, 2019|

Recap: Legacy Society Dinner 2019

Earlier this month, Second Helpings was honored to share a delicious meal with some longtime friends and supporters. The dinner was the first annual Legacy Society Dinner, honoring supporters who have established planned gifts for Second Helpings. We are so grateful for the commitment shown by this generous group [...]

May 31st, 2019|