Looking back on 2020 at Second Helpings
It goes without saying that this year was unlike any other. The challenges and opportunities presented to Second Helpings in 2020 would have been unimaginable before they came our way. While the COVID-19 pandemic was certainly the story that defined this year for us all, we’d like to take [...]
Second Helpings announces Tosseia R. Holmes as new COO / CFO
On Dec. 8, Second Helpings announced the addition of Tosseia R. Holmes to the organization’s senior leadership team as the new Chief Operating Officer / Chief Financial Officer. Holmes brings a wealth of not-for-profit, accounting, and business management experience to Second Helpings. Holmes is currently the Interim Executive Director [...]
November 2020 Volunteer of the Month: John Todd
A Second Helpings story problem: A hardworking tilt operator can typically produce two tilts per 4-hour shift that yield approximately 600 meals per batch. If he has volunteered for 29 single shifts and 29 double shifts in the Hunger Relief Kitchen, how many tilts has he prepared and how [...]
Executive Chef Kathy Jones shares holiday recipes
Join Second Helpings' Executive Chef Kathy Jones for a series of holiday-themed episodes of "Cooking with Kathy" on Facebook Live! All episodes will be live on Second Helpings' Facebook page at 6:00 PM EST. Each week, we'll add links to the recipes so you can follow along if you'd [...]
Second Helpings delivers 15 millionth meal
Earlier this month, Second Helpings delivered the 15,000,000th meal of our 22-year mission to #FeedIndy. Based on previous years’ operations and initial predictions for 2020, Second Helpings reached this milestone nearly a year earlier than originally expected. This quickened pace to produce more meals is in response to the [...]
October 2020 Volunteer of the Month: Kate Shoup
Driver Kate Shoup has proven to be a calm in the pandemic storm, a wonderful surprise in the middle of chaos, and a dedicated member of the Second Helpings volunteer family. Kate joined our meal delivery team this year and enjoys driving around town to #FeedIndy. As [...]
Now Hiring: Chief Operating Officer/CFO [full-time]
Providing hope to end hunger has been the focus of Second Helpings for more than two decades. The COO/CFO position will help aid in continuing to make this vision our reality. Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the COO/CFO manages key operations in the areas of Finance, Human Resources, [...]
Now Hiring: Manager of Volunteer Services [full-time]
Be an integral part of the Second Helpings team by managing our robust volunteer program. Duties include recruiting, screening, selecting, and providing volunteer orientation. The Manager of Volunteer Services serves as the primary liaison to volunteers and collaborates with staff, committee members and volunteers to best meet organizational needs. [...]
Culinary Job Training graduate wins REDi Pitch Night
On September 16, Indy Chamber hosted the “REDi Pitch Night,” a culmination of their five-week ReEntry Entrepreneurship Development Initiative, which offers business training and education to incarcerated and formerly-incarcerated individuals. Program finalists receive five minutes to pitch their business plan, then answer questions from a panel of judges. The [...]
Now Hiring: Dish Room Steward [full-time]
An opportunity to be an integral part of the Second Helpings Hunger Relief team. Provides support to the Executive Chef in directing volunteers and students in dish room operation and sanitation. Responsibilities include maintaining dish room equipment and cleanliness. Training students and volunteers in the duties of the dish [...]