Korey was nominated by our Board Chair, Pat Gamble-Moore, who said, “Korey’s role as a board member has been extremely impactful, to say the least. From leading our Human Resources Committee which resulted in a significantly improved HR infrastructure, to now leading an effort to improve our board governance structure, he has truly made us better. He has put in countless hours of his personal time and has shown tremendous passion for Second Helpings. He is that board member everyone would love to have!”
Learn more about Korey in his own words below.
How did you become involved with Second Helpings?
I first learned about Second Helpings during my participation in the United Way Leadership United Board Development Program. I was granted the opportunity to tour the facility and participate in some committee meetings. As a result, I immediately felt a personal connection to the mission, so I made the decision to pursue it as my first formal engagement with a non-profit board.
What things have you done since you began volunteering with us?
I became involved by serving on the Finance Committee and as a volunteer in the kitchen. I previously served on the HR Committee, and I currently serve on the Governance Committee.
What have you liked best about volunteering at Second Helpings?
I thoroughly enjoy engaging with an organization that readily adapts to the needs of the community but always ensures the mission is being fulfilled. I appreciate being afforded the opportunity to help position the organization for continued impact in the community.
What are you most proud of accomplishing through your volunteer work here?
I don’t have any specific accomplishments of which I am most proud. However, it is a privilege to reflect on the tremendous impact Second Helpings has been able to accomplish through the employees and a host of volunteers.
What do you do when you’re not volunteering with us?
Attending church and sporting events; spending time with family and friends; and working out among many other things.
Do you volunteer with any other organizations?
I serve on the Board for the Kelley School of Business Alumni Association and on the Membership Committee for IndySHRM.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I am featured as background singer on a gospel music album for a local artist.