Meet Dale, our newest Volunteer of the Month! He was nominated by Jon Meinert, our Director of Food Rescue and Transportation, who said, “Dale has been a valued member of the Second Helpings team since 2005. He has delivered thousands of meals to our community partners over the years. You can typically find Dale making deliveries on Monday mornings, but he’s been known to mix it up on other days or with the Food Rescue team. Dale has also been instrumental in training numerous driver companions to become delivery drivers. Despite being an avid Packers fan, we love Dale and appreciate all his efforts supporting our community partners. Well deserved!”

Thank you, Dale, for sharing your time with Second Helpings!

Learn more about Dale in his own words below.

How did you become involved with Second Helpings?

I became involved with Second Helpings when I started to receive the monthly newsletter at my coffee roasting business that I owned from 1998 to 2004. When I sold the business toward the end of 2004 I decided that volunteering at Second Helpings was a great opportunity to support and help others based on what I read in the newsletters.

What things have you done since you began volunteering with us?

I started as a meal delivery companion on Mondays and Wednesdays and after three weeks became a regular driver. I tried some kitchen help once or twice, but my main interest was to be out meeting and helping many dedicated people at the various agencies. The wide variety of locations where Second Helpings receives food and delivers food is impressive and I hope to continue, with God’s help, for many more years. I refuse to let age slow me down. The work ethic and encouraging attitudes of most of the other volunteers is equally amazing. 

What do you do when you’re not volunteering with us?

After selling the coffee shop at the age of 55, I considered myself semi-retired, but not willing to slow down. However, I did take on two part-time jobs, with three kids in school and my wife as the main source of income. After many years of volunteering at a Pike Township soccer club that the kids played, I took a paid position as a field manager. The other position was catering with McAlister’s Restaurant. After ten years with the soccer club I became the head field manager, but never gave up on the volunteer opportunities. Shortly after starting at Second Helpings, I started helping at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen once a week, then a few years later at the Lord’s Pantry in which now, I am one of the core volunteers. The last couple of years I have volunteered by roasting the coffee at God’s Embrace, a coffee shop that provides those with special needs a place to learn a skill. 

Volunteering has been my main interest, knowing that I can make a small difference in the lives of struggling individuals and families. I will continue to encourage other retired people to volunteer in the endless possibilities with organizations such as Second Helping that really care.