CJT in the Community

CJT Team at the Juneteenth Foodways Festival Our Culinary Job Training team has been out in the community this summer! Here’s a glimpse of what the team has been up to lately:  On Friday, June 14, our Culinary Job Training Chefs Kyle Burnett and Jon Askelson, along [...]

By |2024-06-20T08:25:41-04:00June 20th, 2024|

May 2024 Volunteer of the Month: Ralph Power

I am so happy to present to you Ralph Power, Second Helpings' Volunteer of the Month for May 2024! Michael, one of our Kitchen Coordinators, shared this: "Ralph has been a big part of the Thursday morning Tilt team. Beyond making delicious meals, he has taken the lead with [...]

By |2024-06-10T15:34:31-04:00June 10th, 2024|

Staff Spotlight: Andrew Cohee

Get to know the people behind the mission! Each month we’ll introduce a member of our incredible, hard-working team. Meet the whole Second Helpings staff here. Name: Andrew Cohee Title: Volunteer Services Coordinator How long have you worked at Second Helpings? 8 months What do you like most about [...]

By |2024-06-06T09:47:28-04:00June 6th, 2024|

Now Hiring: Hub Coordinator [Full-Time]

About the Hub Coordinator Position Our Hub Coordinators work with our Food Rescue Team and facilitate the distribution of meals, bulk food and other items for the partner agencies; and receive and safely store prepared and perishable food donated to Second Helpings. For the full job description, click here. [...]

By |2024-05-16T08:32:57-04:00May 16th, 2024|

Now Hiring: Driver [Full-Time]

About the Driver Position Our staff drivers transfer excess prepared and perishable food from donor food service operators to Second Helpings, and redistribute as directed to nonprofit social service agencies. For the full job description, click here. Apply for this position online here. The application deadline is 5:00 PM [...]

By |2024-05-16T08:25:40-04:00May 16th, 2024|

Second Helpings Rescues 50 millionth Pound of Food

Food Rescue and Transportation Director Jon Meinert Second Helpings rescued their 50 millionth pound of food as part of its ongoing efforts to reduce waste and fight hunger in the community. The 50 millionth pound was rescued from Whole Foods Market Nora, who has donated to Second [...]

By |2024-05-09T09:47:26-04:00May 9th, 2024|

Program Spotlight: Food Rescue

In honor of Earth Day, we’re shining a light on our Food Rescue program, a critical piece of our work to fight hunger from all angles.  Americans throw away an enormous amount of food – an average of one pound of food each day for person in the country. That’s around [...]

By |2024-04-22T08:38:26-04:00April 14th, 2024|

Staff Spotlight: Anne King

Get to know the people behind the mission! Each month we’ll introduce a member of our incredible, hard-working team. Meet the whole Second Helpings staff here. Name: Anne King Title: Culinary Job Training Employment Specialist How long have you worked at Second Helpings? 7 years on March 13 this [...]

By |2024-03-15T07:46:55-04:00March 15th, 2024|

February 2024 Volunteer of the Month: Tim Burkholder

I am so happy to present to you Tim Burkholder, Second Helpings' Volunteer of the Month for February 2024! I am so grateful for Tim's dedication and tremendous efforts to recruit and speak on behalf of Second Helpings and the work we do. I am looking forward to other [...]

By |2024-03-15T16:01:26-04:00March 14th, 2024|

Culinary Job Training graduate runs partner agency kitchen

This story first appeared in the Spring 2024 edition of our “Peas & Carrots” newsletter. To read the full newsletter, click here. In 2013, Lawanzer “Lou” Perkins Johnson was looking for a fresh start. After 20 years of unfulfilling work in call centers, she knew there was a bigger [...]

By |2024-03-08T11:49:33-05:00March 8th, 2024|