More than two decades is an incredible length of time to dedicate to any project or passion. That’s the commitment former board and advisory member Connie Gigax invested with Second Helpings, where she was initially introduced to the project by co-founder Chef Kristen Kienker when the organization was little more than an idea. Thanks to Gigax’s planned gift, the organization is more than one she has seen to fruition; it’s one that is tied deeply to her personal legacy, and one that will continue in the years and decades beyond her own life. 

“I hope that it would help to maintain Second Helpings,” Gigax says of her legacy gift. “I would like to think that some of it goes into the endowment to continue not just day-to-day operations, but to actually plan for the future. I know that the time is coming on, probably sooner than later, where we’re going to need more space. We’re going to have to look at another building, and that’s not going to be cheap.” 

The same aspects of Second Helpings’ mission that spoke to Gigax more than two decades ago, continue to stoke her passions today. She still despises waste, and loves the opportunities provided by the Culinary Job Training program. “It’s the whole ‘feed a man a fish versus teach a man to fish’ concept,” Gigax says. “It was just always very inspiring to see some of these younger people and some of these older people who had never paid taxes, never had a good job or life-maintaining job, suddenly blossom when they could bring home a paycheck and take care of their families. That has always been very close to my heart. When I can attend the graduations, there never seems to be a dry eye in the place.” 

Gigax admits Second Helpings has surpassed all her expectations since Kienker approached her with the idea more than two decades years ago. “It’s just amazing to think of how far we’ve come, and how many more meals we’re putting out,” she says. And she doesn’t envision a time where there won’t be a need for the services Second Helpings provides the Central Indiana community. “I would like to think that there will come someday, but there are just so many pockets of need everywhere.” 

“I really see the legacy gift as more of a continuation of my support that’s been ongoing for years,” Gigax says. “I think it’s important that people distinguish between what is needed for keeping the lights on versus planning for the future and having the wherewithal to support that.” 

Are you interested in learning more about Second Helpings’ Legacy Society, and ensuring this organization will continue to serve Central Indiana in the decades ahead? Contact our Chief Relationship Officer, Katie Prine, to learn more: (317) 632-2664 extension 138.